Daystar University


[Nairobi, June 5 - 7, 2024] Daystar University, in partnership with Cyberpro Global Ltd hosted the Global Cybershield (GCC) Conference on the theme:&n...
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On 7th June 2024, Kristina Wright from Hope Haven Rwanda visited Daystar University Main Campus Athi River, to explore the possibility of admitting Ho...
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On 7th June, 2024, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Laban P. Ayiro met with Daystar University Students Association (DUSA) to address various student concer...
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On 7th June 2024], 22 students pursuing PhD in Development Studies, along with their lecturers, had breakfast with the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Laban Pe...
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Daystar University recently conducted an intensive 4-day training for Internal Quality Auditors at Voi Wildlife Lodge from June 3-6, 2024....
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In a groundbreaking move, Daystar University has embarked on a transformative training program for lecturers in the Department of Theology and Pastora...
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On the 6th June 2024, the Daystar University community convened on both campuses to commit the May semester to God. Athi River congregation gathered a...
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External Board Appointments

Wednesday, June 5, 2024In
Real Estate Development and Private Equity firm, Fusion Capital, has appointed DLPDI Director, Prof. Abraham Waithima as its board representative at L...
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[Athi River, Tuesday May 28, 2024], Daystar University hosted visitors from United States of America at the  Main Campus Athi River. The guests w...
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Daystar University is hosting students and faculty from the University of Maryland (UMD), and Shepherd University.  The two American universities...
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