Master of Arts in Community Development

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About Course


The M.A. in Community Development has been developed based on the need to train a cadre of human resources that will work in diverse communities to bring about social transformation.

Definition and Nature of the Programme

This programme seeks to train the student in the science and art of mobilizing communities, identifying their felt needs, designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating of community-based projects aimed at poverty alleviation among communities especially those in the developing countries. Approaches such as Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), People Empowering People (PEP), Participatory Appraisal Monitoring and Evaluation (PAME), and others will be used to enhance community participation

It recognises that there is the people’s desire is to overcome the many obstacles that prevent them from enjoying a fuller human life. Freedom of participation, choice and decision-making of the people is therefore paramount. The programme will also seek to respect cultural diversity and integration among communities, promote and emphasise truth, justice and reconciliation in society regardless of faith, culture, race or political affiliations of the communities the graduates of this programme will work with. The programme also gives credence to the promotion of intellectual and scholarly discourse in matters pertaining to development. It aims at equipping development practitioners with practical skills and knowledge that will facilitate their work and promote research-based approaches and strategies to enhance community development.

Indeed the M.A in Community Development programme believes fundamentally that development must be founded on Christian principles and values. But it also believes that people-centred development must uphold key development principles such as, justice, empowerment, capacity building, sensitization, advocacy and sustainability.

  • An undergraduate or a higher degree in Community Development or related degrees from an accredited institution of higher learning, with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale), or a degree awarded with an upper second class honours or a practical involvement, or with demonstrated commitment to and interest in community -oriented service,
  • Applicants with a first degree in fields unrelated to development studies may be admitted but will be required to start with specified zero credit hours in community development. These courses are DEV-111 Introduction to Community Development, SOC-111 Introduction to Sociology, and PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology,
  • Applicants from undergraduate community development programme will not be exempted from any course or have any credit transfers since this is an advanced level programme
  • Kenya being a signatory to the Millennium Development Goals, the MA in Community Development will contribute to meeting these goals by providing the necessary technical and professional expertise.
  • Community Development is still a new discipline in most countries today. There is a need therefore to develop an MA programme that provides students graduating with a first degree an opportunity to further their studies. This will facilitate continuity for doctoral studies in this discipline.
  • The MA in Community Development Programme is practical and relevant to many socio-economic, cultural, environmental and political realities of communities
  • This programme will contribute to academic discourse and also broaden the knowledge base on community development which will in turn contribute to the international debate on sustainable development.
  • The MA programme in Community Development is unique because of its holistic approach which integrates Christian approaches to development and practical learning
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