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Learn more from other Departments; DLPDI, DRGS Library, Quality Assurance and Student Affairs

Certificate Students - DLPDI

At DLPDI we nurture leadership talent through Certificate courses for post-high school graduates.

These are 6-month programs taken over two semesters, each running for 10 weeks.The Certificate programs are non-terminal which open doors for progression to Diploma

Email: | Cell: +254 709 972 288

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Library Information

I welcome you to our Online Library with a rich and diverse collectionof full text e-books and e-journals to support all academic programs in the University. Daystar University has greatly invested in information and educational technologies that enable students to have efficient, seamless and interactive remote access to Library information resources.

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Directorate of Research & Graduate Studies - DRGS

The Daystar University Charter recognizes research as an integral part of the University’s mission, objectives, and functions. The University aims at providing Christianbased higher education training and research for the expansion of God’s Kingdom in Africa and the world.

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Centre for Quality Assurance

The Centre for Quality Assurance exists to ensure the delivery of quality academic and support services to the University’s key stakeholders who include students, accreditation bodies both locally and internationally, academic and research institutions, employers, parents, sponsors and guardians, among others.

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Student Affairs Department

The Student Affairs Department is responsible for student life on Campus outside the lecture room while at the same time working closely with academic staff.

Section D

DVC – Finance, Administration & Planning Division, HR, ICT, Humanity Services and Security,Principal
