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Rt. Rev. (Bishop) Joseph Kanuku

Company Board Member

Title and Responsibilities


Rt. Rev. (Bishop) Joseph Kanuku is a trans-formative leader with a wealth of experience in leading strategic community development initiatives, influencing lives through mentorship, motivation, training, teaching and shepherding as well as pioneering church planting and development. He is a proactive initiator accomplished in contributing to board decisions, complex organizational and financial management, growth and expansion projects as well as project management. Bishop Kanuku is also a diplomat and qualified mediator with ambassadorial experience for national and international bodies. 

He has successfully directed regional development projects, working with community, civil, faith-based, government and NGO stakeholders to achieve sustainable development objectives. His professional career has seen Rev. (Rtd) Kanuku serve with the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) as Bishop of Machakos Diocese (1995-2012) and subsequently Bishop of Makueni. Diocese (2013-2016) where he provided leadership for the church, directed the vision of the church, streamlined leadership and reporting structures for different diocesan groups and religious communities, ensured proper succession planning for sustainable impact, and gave oversight to community development projects, resource stewardship, team management, pastoral care, shepherding and training for the congregation. 

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology from Pan Africa Christian University (1993) and a Certificate in Higher Religious Studies – Theological Education by Extension, from the University of Nairobi (1988), besides other professional certifications. Bishop Kanuku has served on the Daystar University Council from 2002-2009, and been a member of the Daystar Company since 2008.

Academic Qualifications

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